YouTube Creator Academy Completion Certificate – Jenny Wilmshurst

A ‘YouTube Creator Academy Completion Certificate: Maximize Your Channel’ certificate was awarded to each student who completed YouTube’s inaugural video course. The course was completed in June 2013

It is worth your while going through the YouTube Creator Academy course yourself when YouTube runs these again.

You will learn what matters most to YouTube to rank, gain subscribers and produce a great channel.

Even after 18 months in YouTube masterminds I found this a good revision plus new learnings.


YouTube Academy 2013 Certificate June 2013

5 Youtube Video Marketing changes for 2012 – Tip #2

5 Video Marketing changes for 2012

– Tip 2:

New Background Images needed! 

For the new channel layout you will need a simple image with your name, logo and marketing information on the far left hand side of the channel page. You can include promo or calls to action in this area.

Adapt your new custom background images to the new layout so that it fits better.

What you must know to create professional speaker video

So, what if you don’t like the new look?

How can you change back to the old YouTube look and feel?

A few forums online are opting for the best ways to handle this. There seems to be inconsistency in the options. So I will have to update you on this at another stage.

Throughout this week we look at more YouTube changes that affect your video marketing.

Come here daily this week for each tip to make the most of your YouTube marketing efforts.

Written by Jenny Wilmshurst, Tweet Twins Social Media, NZ’s first ROI producing Social Media Consultants

5 Youtube Video Marketing changes for 2012 – Tip #1

YouTube has recently made key changes to its look, feel and way you can get results from YouTube.

Check these out on this blog each day:

5 Video Marketing changes for 2012 – Tip #1

Today’s topic is about YouTube Homepage changes from late 2011.

What is the effect on your YouTube marketing with these YouTube changes?

1. YouTube Viral Videos are harder to achieve:

YouTube Viral Videos are harder to achieve.

Stumbling upon a random, funny video that is quickly going viral will be much harder as YouTube is programmed to deliver you relevant content based on who you subscribe to, and what videos you “like” & share.

2. Trending Videos:

The “most-popular” & “trending” videos are no longer predominately displayed on the home page.

3. Social Relevance & Subscribers:

Google has added Social Relevance by showing the latest content & activity from your “subscribers” will now show up right at the top of your YouTube Home Page.

So how we leverage video for 2012 matters.

Tomorrow we look at what is still relevant.

Later in the week we look at specific changes.

Come here daily this week for each tip to make the most of your YouTube marketing efforts.

Written by Jenny Wilmshurst, Tweet Twins Social Media, NZ’s first ROI producing Social Media Consultants